This includes things like antiseptic and fertilizer which were left off your list. Here is a list which contains ALL of the crafting materials used when building bases. Preferred specific FoV settings, visual settings game settings that restart everytime you load the game? make a bat file for them.

You can execute any number of large/small cheats like this. So to launch these i'd open console and type Most Ammunition (missing railway rifle and some others due ot incorrect wiki information)

Characteristics The schematics allow the Sole Survivor to build a robot workbench at any of their settlements. Here are my preferred bat fies you can copy and paste 25 0 Effects Unlocks robot workbench for construction within friendly settlements Quests Mechanical Menace The robot workbench schematics are two miscellaneous items in the Fallout 4 add-on Automatron. When in game type without quote "bat 'filename'" and it will execute the commands. 1 Overview 2 Weapon statistics 3 Ballistic weapons 3.1 Pistols 3.2 Rifles 3.3 Shotguns 3.4 Pipe weapons 3.5 Heavy weapons 3.6 Other 4 Energy weapons 4.1 Laser 4.2 Plasma 4.3 Other 5 Radiation weapons 5. Make a text file in notepad, fill it with console codes (preferrable lots of them you hate to retype or look up) and save it to the fallout 4 installation folder with a simple ONEWORD name you can remember in all SMALL CAPS. bat file is a simple etxt file in your installation folder that you can run commands with via the console quickly and in bulk.