This can happen when the installation is migrated, or when the installation is moved to another location. Make sure POP is selected under Configuration.The MailEssentials Anti-Phishing Engine or the Bayesian Analysis Engine are not updating.Type your full Gmail address again under User Name.Make sure POP access is turned on for your Gmail account.To download your Gmail messages in Eudora: Enter your Gmail password under Password.Select Refresh Mailbox List from the menu.Click the Options button (the rightmost beneath the mailbox list).Select Window | Mailboxes from the menu.Select Required (Alternate Port) under SSL for IMAP, too.Select Required (Alternate Port) under SSL for SMTP.Make sure, again, "Gmail" is selected under Personality.Make sure Use a trash mailbox on the IMAP server is not checked.Make sure IMAP is selected under Mail Protocol.

To set up a Gmail account in Eudora via IMAP (which gives you access to all archived mail and lets you use Gmail labels as folders) under Windows: Of course, you can access Gmail via its fine web-based interface at the same time. So, if you have been using Eudora for eons (or just discovered it now) and now got a Gmail account, you can still use Eudora with it by receiving and sending all your Gmail messages in Eudora. And Eudora never stood still, is still apt for all the email challenges of today. This can make it look a bit odd at times, but it also makes it extremely versatile. In internet times, Eudora has been around for eons.