… Use the add and remove button to draw onto areas that you want to add or remove.Once finished, click on the green check mark and the selection will pop-out as a separate layer. The answer to this question will depend on the specifics of what you are doing. How do you add layers in Paint 3D? Here’s how it works:Click on Insert and choose one of your favorite photos.Use the “select” tool to drag and select the area that you want.6) Copy the image onto the square graph so it matches the angled graph. There’s no need to try to skew the perspective here just draw the object onto the angled graph the same way you. 5) Sketch your drawing onto the angled graph. 0:00 / 1:37 How to use eraser in ms paint eraser tool in paint eraser paint eraser tool paint eraser Learn Basics 82.4K subscribers Subscribe 11K views 5 years ago MS paint. This square grid will be where you actually create the drawing. 4) Draw a square grid on a new sheet of paper or canvas. First, while learning, work on copies of images, not the original image. Navigate to your image and press Open again. After I have selected an area with the Erase tool, how do I activate it (Am I just stupid) 1. Once you know where you want your photo point to be, use a ruler to draw a graph with angled lines. Step 1: Open Your Image Open Microsoft Paint and open the image from which you want to remove the white background. 3) Draw a line graph with vanishing perspective lines. 2) Choose the spot where you’ll need to stand to see the 3D effect. You can turn almost anything into a 3D painting.