Let me know if you need directions on this.

If you have a lot of Mods or CC you can do so by via the 50/50 method. If this fixes the issue you can re-add your Mods/CC one at a time to see which were conflicting with the function/causing the glitch - but do not re-add the old Resource.cfg file from the old Mods folder, as it is possible for it to have become corrupted. Replace/overwrite the newly generated files/ folders with the old files/folders from the desktop "The Sims 4" folder. Now re-add a copy of the 'options.ini', 'screenshots' folder, 'saves' folder, and 'tray' folder from the "The Sims 4" folder on your desktop into your new "The Sims 4" folder ( Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 ).Then start the game, and a new 'The Sims 4' folder will be created by the game.Move your 'The Sims 4' folder ( Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 ) to your desktop. ( Save this "The Sims 4" folder for reference.) Pose Player - How To Install & Use Animations - The Sims 4 - Mod Tutorial And Review + Download Link Joslin 18.2K subscribers Subscribe 578 Save 50K views 4 years ago.Please try the following in this order (Do all steps in this order, even if you did any of them previously):